the desired file does not automatically open after you "left double click on the link", then
"right single click the link" and use "Save Target As..." to save the form to
your computer. You can then open directly under Adobe Reader.
Participant Form used to obtain benefit payments given service termination, retirement,
death or disability -
Benefit Request Form
Participant Form used to obtain benefit payments under In-Service Distribution Provisions
(if any) or Hardship Distribution Provisions -
In-Service or Hardship Distribution
Request Form
Participant Form used to request a Partial Distribution following a
determination that payment of a desired benefit distribution can not be made at
this time -
Request for Partial Distribution
Participant Form used to obtain a loan from account under the Plan -
Request for Loan
Form used by Participant to request copy of Summary Plan Description, copy of other plan
documents, Special Written Explanation/Valuation of Benefit, and/or ask a question
specific to participation under the Plan -
Special Service Request
Participant Generic Salary Deferral Election Form -
Deferral Election
Participant Generic Bonus Deferral Election Form -
Bonus Deferral
Beneficiary Designation Election Form where terms of plan do not allow
annuities to be a form of benefit payment. Check the terms of your
Summary Plan Description prior to using this form -
Beneficiary Election
Lump Sum Version
Beneficiary Designation Election Form where terms of plan does allow
annuities to be a form of benefit payment. Check the terms of your
Summary Plan Description prior to using this form -
Beneficiary Election
when Plan Offers Annuity Payments
Required Minimum Distribution Form (RMD) which explains when an RMD needs to
be paid, and allows for an election to receive or defer an RMD. If you
will be age 70 1/2 or more before this December 31st, you should complete and
submit this form before December 1st for processing - RMD Form
Special Tax Notice explaining how benefits are taxed, and how monies can be
rolled over to continue the tax shelter. This Notice is "generic" in that
it is not intended to be specific to any specific person, and is not intended
to address Roth Accounts -
Generic Special Tax
Notice for Distributions
Special Tax Notice explaining how benefits are taxed, and how monies can be
rolled over to continue the tax shelter. This Notice is "generic" in that
it is not intended to be specific to any specific person, and it is intended
to address Roth Accounts -
Generic Special
Tax Notice for Roth Monies
Important Notice on Loan Default. This Notice explains in general
terms, what happens when a participant defaults on a loan that person has under
the Plan. This Notice is "generic" in that it is not intended
to be specific to any specific person or loan terms -
Loan Default Notice
Forms for Plan Sponsors Only
Plan Sponsor Form for requesting Plan Document Service -
Document Authorization Form
Plan Sponsor Form for requesting Amendment Service -
Amendment Service
Plan Sponsor
Form for Basic Data needed for documents -
Basic Sponsor
Plan Sponsor
Form for conducting a survey of employee interest toward a 401(k) Plan -
Survey Kit