EBS was established as a "Third Party Administrative Service" for qualified retirement plans (called a TPA) in 1992 by our President, David Seals. David created EBS following the requests of several influential professionals of the financial industry. These industry leaders were seeking a solid TPA, with the capabilities needed to serve the unique needs of their special clients. David has created and managed several successful TPA Services in the past. Those services always reflected his personal dedication to client servicing, as well as his recognized expertise with qualified plans. He was not however, the owner of those firms. In 2003, David decided that EBS should expand and become the sole focus of his efforts. This would enable him to create the quality service that conformed fully to the service he envisioned. This decision was almost immediately rewarded with interest from both industry professionals and client firms. In early 2004 Allison Klocinski joined the firm, reflecting the rapid expansion of the firm. Clients appreciate her strong dedication to client servicing, and her eye for detail. She is currently developing her own reputation as an expert within the industry! We point out that since she joined the firm, EBS has expanded by over a factor of five! EBS specializes in defined contribution plans; which include 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, money purchase plans and profit sharing plans. This reflects David's long history of working with these types of plans. We do, however, have the ability to assist those client that have, or want, a defined benefit plan. We refer all defined benefit plan concerns to John Bury, EA; who is founder of Bury and Associates. John and David have maintained both a personal and professional relationship since 1985. In fact, John's encouragement was instrumental in the early days of EBS. EBS is a small firm. We believe that this allows us to be more sensitive to the needs of our clients, rendering service with a personal touch. Despite being small, we have "partnered" with some of the biggest names in the retirement plan industry. We believe that this allows us provide our clients with the best of both worlds. The personal nature of a small firm with the capabilities of a large firm. It is appropriate that we note that the support of these industry giants has in great part, lead to our success. Today our team provides you with over 40 years of industry experience. Be assured that we constantly monitor changes, and potential changes, to those standards that apply to qualified retirement plans. We consider it our mandate to remain on the cutting edge of industry expertise.